Fantasmagorie Doodle

Project Overview
While at first I saw this as an ordinary project, I quickly found myself gaining more interest and excitement at the things I can do once I found the right subject I can do the project on.
My Contributions
For this project we started off as partners, but mostly for brainstorming and doing our own things. In the end we could either present with each other or on our own.

While building this project, there were many options of special events that I could use as a doodle. So it was hard to narrow it down at first. We went into popular inventions, special anniversaries, holidays, etc.

After much deliberation I narrowed it down to three things. 2D animation, Steamboat Willie (one of the first popular cartoons), and basketball. But basketball and Steamboat Willie had already been done. So I was left with 2d animation. I didn't know what I could do with 2d animation but the idea came to me. What's the first ever animated cartoon? Out of the results, I got Fantasmagorie which was drawn by Emile Cohl.

As the final product, this pays homage to the first animation in its likeness.