LEGO To Class

App Design
Project Overview
Our goal was to make an interactive online app experience where we center around LEGO. It is made for online class interactions centered around activities that involve lego pieces and train children's creativity.
My Contributions
With the group, we had a lot of discussions on how this application would work in terms of safety for the children using it. I helped come up with conclusions like an official sign up, class activities, and who is allowed to join in the app.

This setting offers different classrooms designed for specific students. Only those joined with the school shall enter. There are different themes from lego sets used to fuel the activities and the kids can enjoy challenges within the time limit to add a sense of urgency to think quickly and creatively.

These are the onboarding screens I've worked on. I kept everything simple and had the essense of lego to keep it entertaining but also direct and trustworthy enough for teachers and parents to feel safe when signing up for their kids. Basic things like student id's would be required to make sure no outside people get access.

As a group, once we finished our parts, we put it together and edited it the details to make the application look unified and made adjustments to keep everything consistent and look aesthetic.